Price List

Prices for 2024-2025


Prices include both of any clasp

Hawley Retainer $67
Hawley Spring Retainer 79
Reset Teeth (per tooth) 8
Spring Retainer (3x3) 59
Invisible Retainer 45
Wraparound Retainer 75
Flipper Partial 67
(each tooth added) 30

Removable Appliances

Prices include both of any clasp

Schwartz Appliance $105
Schwartz Appliance (2 screws) 135
Nord (unilateral cross-bite) 115
Fan Gear Appliance 119
3-Way Expander 139
Micro Screw Appliance 105
Jackson Appliance (lower) 115
Sagittal Appliance (1 screw) 105
Sagittal Appliance (upper) 130
Sagittal Appliance (lower) 115
Sagittal Appliance (3-way upper) 155
Sagittal Appliance (3-way lower) 125
Bionator I, II, or III 165
Bionator (without screw) 135
Orthopedic Corrector I, II, or III 215
Activator 146
Twin Block (to open, 1 screw) 216
Twin Block (to close, 1 screw) 209
Twin Block Sagittals 265


No additional cost for clasps

TMJ Splint (Occlusal Guard) $105
CLEARsplint® 119
Anterior Acrylic Splint 79
Hard/Soft Splint 89
Gelb Splint 109
Anterior Bite Plate 82
Snore Guard 184
Soft Mouthguard 59

Fixed Appliances

Prices include our custom bands
$5 discount for each provided band

Band & Loop Space Maintainer $54
Crown & Loop Space Maintainer 59
Distal Shoe 59
Lingual Arch 74
Braided/Coaxial Wire (Bonded Retainer) 35
Fixed Habit Appliance 95
Nance Appliance 87
Rapid Palatal Expander 109
Bonded RPE 109
Bonded Lingual Arch 41
Rick-A-Nator 107
Quad Helix 95
Space Regainer 88
Lip Bumper 120
E-Arch Expander 107
Williams Appliance 179
Fixed Lower Expansion Appliance (FLEA) 135
Leaf Expander 199
Kiddie Bridge 90
Band (fitted on tooth) 15
Bracket or Buccal Tube 20


Adams Clasp $7
Arrow Clasp 7
Ball Clasp 7
C-Clasp 7
Delta Clasp 7
Occlusal Rest 7
Finger Spring 7
Sweep Wire 7
Bite Plane - Anterior 15
Bite Plane - Posterior 25
Articulation 12
Pontic (Tooth on Appliance) 30
Habit Loops 20
Acrylic Spinner 35
Mesh Wire 35
Additional Solder Joint 15
Additional Expansion Screw 30
Pour Model (per arch) 15
3D Printed Model (per arch) 15
Duplicate Model (per arch) 20
Digital Bracket Removal (per arch) 10
Bleaching Tray (per arch) 49

Acrylic Colors

View the Acrylic Colors page to see all the colors and styles available. You can also download a pdf version of the Color Chart. Custom designs available upon request.

Single Colors, Glitters, and Neon No Charge
Special Designs $19.00 - 30.00
2-Color Acrylic 8
Decals 19
Soft Mouthguard Colors (Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Red, White, Yellow) No Charge

Prices are subject to change without notice.